Submission Guidelines

The manuscripts need to be submitted in a document or PDF format only, and please follow the guidelines:
Cover letter
Title Page
Materials and Methods
Acknowledgement and Funding
Figures, Tables and Graphs

The Title page requires the title of the article and the complete address of the Authors and Corresponding authors with affiliations.

Abstract requires a minimum of 150-250 words and tables, figures, and reference numbers are not indexed here.

Figures are in the formats of JPEG, JPG and PNG only.

Tables are in Text format only, not in image format. 

Formatting Guidelines::

Research (Original) Articles:
The word limit for these articles is between 2500-3500 words, with no limit on Figures, Tables and References.

Review Articles:
The word limit for these articles is between 3000-4000 words, with no limit on Figures, Tables and References.

Case Reports/Series/Blogs/Videos:
The word limit for these articles is between 1000-2500 words, with no limit on Figures, Tables and References.

Clinical Images:
The word limit for these articles is between 250-750 words, with no limit on Figures, Tables and References.

The word limit for these articles is between 900-1300 words, with no limit on Figures, Tables and References.

Letter to the Editors:
The word limit for these articles is between 300-500 words, with no limit on Figures, Tables and References.

There is no particular word limit for your submission of the types of manuscripts like Original Research Articles, Review Articles, Case Reports, Clinical Studies, Case Series, Clinical Videos, Clinical Reports, Clinical Images, Technical Notes, Commentary Articles, Creative Reviews, Editorials, Historical Studies, Short Communications, Opinion Articles, Mini Reviews, Brief Reports, Book Reviews, Patent Reviews, Proceeding Articles, Literature Reviews, Letters to Editor, Protocol Articles, Research Notes, Online Reports, Surgical Techniques. For your reference purposes, we have only mentioned the word count as above in the guidelines, but depending upon the type of research, the word count can be maximized and accepted by researchers across the world.

Plagiarism and Duplication
Plagiarism is copying another person’s writing or concepts and passing the copied material off as your own work. You must both describe (i.e., separate and identify) the copied text from your writing and give recognition to (i.e., cite the source) the foundation of the copied text to avoid accusations of plagiarism. Plagiarism is considered fraud and has potentially harsh consequences, including loss of job, loss of reputation, and the assignation of a reduced or failing grade in a course. All manuscripts received for our journals are scanned for plagiarism. If potential plagiarism is detected, the authors will be contacted for clarification. In accordance with the COPE guiding principle, we expect that “unique wording taken right from publications by other researchers or physicians should give the impression in reference marks with the appropriate citations.” This condition also applies to an author’s individual work. The authors must ensure that their work is entirely original, and if they have used the work and/or words of others, the source of the information must be indicated within the paper using an internal citation.

Article Processing Charges (APC)
Mega Journal of Surgery, as a Gold Open Access publisher, offsets all the costs associated with our high-quality publishing service through Article Processing Charges (APCs): articles that are accepted for publication by our external editors following rigorous peer review incur a publishing fee charged to authors, institutions, or funders. Mega Journal of Surgery is a self-funding journal, and we don’t have any external support from any institution or society. To run our organization in an organized way, we charge article processing charges to the authors to publish their articles. The article processing charges 1800-3600 USD for the Mega Journal of Surgery is depending on the type of article, availability of funding support, and the income status of the country. We charge an APC to maintain published manuscripts in online repositories. All our articles are published in the most updated formats (HTML, PDF, XML, etc.). We rigorously follow our publication ethics and there is no compromise on the excellence of your valuable articles, so the APC is applicable to your accepted articles depending on the type of article for the review process and the digitization process. Apart from this article processing charge, there are no other fees (for example, submission charges, page charges, or color charges). Your payments are most valuable to us in developing our journal to the next level.

Manuscript Withdrawal Charges
If the author requests a withdrawal of the manuscript after it has been submitted, the author(s) will not be penalized. If the withdrawal request is made after the manuscript has been submitted or assigned for pre-review, during the assembly stage, or after it has been published on the platform, the author(s) must pay a withdrawal penalty without fail. The corresponding author(s) are asked to send a formal letter to the inquest editorial office requesting that the manuscript be withdrawn. Manuscript withdrawal is simplest when the full amount of the withdrawal penalty has been paid. The withdrawal costs will be declared as applicable, making it the handiest case for withdrawal.

Refund Policy
Once the article is accepted by the journal, the APC is due on the author. Authors will have sufficient time from the date of submission to acceptance for deciding whether to continue publication or withdraw the submission. So, fee once paid will not be refunded at any situation as the journal publishes articles under Open Access platform, fee paid by the authors will be spent towards the costs associated with the process and publication.

Publication Ethics

To maintain the high quality of scientific work and to guarantee its online publication, publication ethics are very important, and credit will be given to the authors or contributors. The Mega Journal of Surgery has several policies to assure high publication ethics. The Mega Journal of Surgery also explains the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for our Journal Editors and the Peer Reviewers’ Ethical Guidelines developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) as best practice. In addition to different obligations, editors need to guarantee that all manuscripts appropriated by their journal are reviewed for their scientific content without regard to the gender, religion, race, citizenship, etc. of the authors. It is also the editor’s requirement to ensure that any data with respect to manuscripts put together by the authors should be confidential. Submitted manuscript reviews must be carried out unbiasedly, and the reviewers ought to express their perspectives plainly with supporting arguments. Moreover, reviewers should keep in mind that any data concerning the articles they are reviewing must be dealt with as honoured information.

Reprints will be provided after publication within 10-20 days of the time of the article. You can email us at: